A year full of projects!

Wishes team 2022

The Dispatcher teams wish you a very happy 2022. Here’s to a year of success and achievements! How was 2021 for Dispatcher? It was a year marked by the fulfilment of our ambitions. Numerous deployments with major construction companies: some 250 agencies deployed the Dispatcher solution in 2021 in France and Europe. Continuous product improvements […]

New certification module

Certifications Module Dispatcher

Certification management: operator permits, training, accreditations, etc. At Dispatcher, we believe that the monitoring and proper HR management of your work sites are essential. Safety and skills management are highly important and constantly changing issues for many building companies. Furthermore, certifications, training, accreditations, and other permits are very often managed in Excel or via shared drives, which are not conducive to communication […]

Site foreperson: the coordinator of your construction and public works projects.

Site foreperson

In the construction sector, the site foreperson is the coordinator of your construction and public works projects. Following on from the previous article on the job of works supervisor, Dispatcher invites you to take a closer look at this role. The role of site foreperson explained. Working as a site foreperson is anything but monotonous. […]

Works supervisor: the site manager

Site supervisor manager

In the construction sector, the role of a works supervisor can be likened to that of an orchestral conductor, or site manager. Dispatcher invites you to take a closer look at this role. The role of works supervisor explained. Methodical and responsible, the works supervisor is involved in every aspect and at each phase of […]

The solution for managing your work sites simultaneously

Cloud Construction

Good site organisation is vital for remaining competitive and profitable in the long term. For construction companies, it has become essential to have software that can plan each resource to ensure well-organised on-site activity. Manage the workforce, teams, and equipment faster to make optimisation gains and ensure good time management. Above all, you must adopt […]

Reasons for no longer planning in Excel

Planning No Excel

Do you want to find an alternative to Excel for planning your company’s resources? The solution is to choose resource planning and management software, which is much more collaborative and intuitive. Today, continuing to work in Excel has become risky and, above all, obsolete. It’s time for you to save time! The most common obstacle […]

Manage your equipment and staff resources in the field

App simplify work

More than 80% of Internet connections are now via a smartphone. Today, everyone in France has one. Mobiles are everyone’s favourite screens for connecting to the Internet. Apps now play a central role, accounting for 90% of the time spent on smartphones (see: source). Having a mobile app dedicated to your solution is a real […]

Cloud, data, applications: multiple factors impacting CIOs

Cloud Data

Focus on digital transformation. By revolutionising IT consumption patterns, the Cloud has led to many changes within businesses in France and elsewhere. This is where the CIO comes in, helping to adapt this new technological model from a technical perspective. As a pillar of the company’s digital environment, the role of the Chief Information Officer […]

Connected work sites: digital technology in the construction sector

Connected site

Your work sites are becoming connected. Digitisation is taking place across all sectors, and construction is no exception. Indeed, the construction sector’s digital transformation is growing exponentially with the development of digital tools. The new term for this is Construction 4.0, symbolised by efficiency, mobility, and responsiveness. According to a worldwide study conducted by the […]

Let’s keep it up!

Wishes team 2021

Our entire team wishes you all the best for 2021! In the new year, we are more determined than ever to keep providing the very best service to all players in the building and construction industry, both big and small. Many construction companies already love our resource management and planning solution. For 2021? Dispatcher hopes to […]

Customer feedback: Dispatcher energises Charier’s driving forces.

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Feedback from the Moniteur Innovation Day How does Dispatcher revolutionise tasks and digitise collaboration on work sites? “In three years, we have seen our equipment usage rate increase, and the use of temporary workers and independent transporters decrease. Some things are now well established, and users have appropriated the tool. We have gone beyond our […]

Dispatcher – Partner of Moniteur Innovation Day


Help transform the construction sector with Dispatcher Mid Moniteur is organisingMoniteur Innovation Day for the second consecutive year, which will take place on Monday 19 October at the Seine Musicale in Paris. For this second edition, Mid Moniteur welcomes Dispatcher as its event partner. At this event, dedicated to innovative players in regional construction and […]

Our Dispatcher team at the Batimat trade show


The entire Dispatcher team was delighted to see you once again at the BATIMAT Show. With a dynamic effort, we carried out more than 70 demonstrations of our platform over these five days. The BATIMAT show confirmed the pressing need among the different stakeholders in construction and public works to undertake digital transformation. Dispatcher is […]

Dispatcher is nominated by the judges of the 2019 Innovation Awards


Awards innovation le mondial du bâtiment Dispatcher offers a robust, standalone tracker solution for monitoring operating equipment in the construction and public works sector. These are connected control units designed to operate on any type of equipment: •Internal equipment •Rental equipment Trackers are field sensors that record the two main types of operating data: •The […]

Dispatcher wins in the Public Works Start-Up category

Public works awards for innovation & performance On Tuesday 11 December, the 2018 Public Works Awards for Innovation & Performance took place, organised by the Moniteur group and the French Public Works Federation (FNTP). Dispatcher won the prize in the Public Works Start-Up category, for its innovative IoT tracker solution, used by Eurovia for repair […]

Dispatcher exhibiting at the Mondial du Bâtiment, Hall 5A, Stand S54

Come and discover Dispatcher’s 2.0 planning solution this week at the Mondial du Bâtiment, in the Batimat section in Hall 5A, Stand S54. Our advisors look forward to showing you our digital work site organisation solution. We help you overcome the complexities, frictions, and inefficiencies in your business. Dispatcher offers a simple digital tool for […]

Dispatcher heads to London!

London 2017

As the company continues to grow, Dispatcher will make its next appearance  at London Build 2017, taking place on 25-26 October at the Olympia in London. The renowned British trade show has invited the company to come and present its connected work site planning solution .  For its third edition, Britain’s biggest construction show will open […]

Meeting construction professionals at the Pro Forum

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Always keen to get to know its users, Dispatcher went to meet construction industry professionals at the Pro Forum organised by Bricoman France at its store in Lisses on 22 and 23 September. We met Sébastien Attina, CEO of the chain of stores. Bricoman France organised this trade show for construction sector professionals to help […]

Dispatcher nominated at the Mondial du Bâtiment

Nomination Batimatjpeg

Dispatcher was nominated by the Expert Panel in the “Digital, BIM & New Technology” category of the innovation awards organised as part of the 2017 Mondial du Bâtiment. The winners were announced at the awards ceremony at the Trianon on Monday 18 September. 2017 Mondial du Bâtiment Innovation Awards The expert panels of the 2017 […]

Dispatcher nominated in the Digital, BIM, & New Technology category

The 2017 edition of the Mondial du Bâtiment innovation awards Dispatcher was nominated by the expert panel in the “Digital, BIM, & New Technology” category of the innovation awards organised as part of the 2017 Mondial du Bâtiment. The winners were announced at the awards ceremony at the Trianon on Monday 18 September. The expert […]

Paris Enterprise Network awards ceremony

The Paris Enterprise Network met on 11 July at Palais Brongniart for the 2016 awards ceremony, where Dispatcher was among this year’s winners. This was an opportunity to meet Frédéric Mazzella, founder of BlaBlaCar and sponsor of the event. As a member of the Paris Enterprise Network, Dispatcher attended the 2016 awards evening as one […]

Dispatcher settles at Le Cargo

Le cargo

As it continues to grow and evolve, Dispatcher is moving to new premises at the giant innovation incubator Le Cargo. In early July 2017, Dispatcher joined the Parisian incubator at 157 Boulevard Macdonald in Paris. This new stage in the company’s growth will make it possible to strengthen the team by expanding the sales and […]

Discover Dispatcher, exhibiting at the second edition of the BtoBIM show


On 5 July 2017, from 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m., you can find Dispatcher at ICAM Nantes for this second edition of the BtoBIM trade show, the digital technology and construction forum. What is BtoBIM? After an initial success last year in Clisson, which attracted more than 300 visitors and 23 exhibitors, BtoBIM is returning for […]

Innovation and Digital Revolution at the Pôle Construction conference

Congres Dispatcher scaled

On 22 June 2017, Dispatcher was invited by the Pôle Construction Paris Ile de France to its 2017 conference. Construction in Greater Paris is having its moment! Innovation and Digital Revolution “By choosing the City of Science and Industry and the theme of “Innovation and Digital Revolution” for its 2017 Congress, the Pôle Construction Paris […]

Cap Numérique forum – CAPEB Vendée

Forum cap numerique 2

On 25 April, the Dispatcher work site app was invited by CAPEB Vendée to participate in the Cap Numérique forum at La Roche sur Yon. The meet-up for connected companies At the initiative of the CAPEB Vendée sustainable development commission, the first Cap Numérique forum took place at Proxinnov’s premises in La Roche sur Yon. […]

Vinci Construction Technical Show

journees techniques vinci construction

Business innovation at the heart of our renewal On Tuesday 21 and Wednesday 22 March, Vinci Construction organised the 53rd edition of its Technical Show. Dispatcher was an exhibitor in the innovation section, surrounded by new players in BIM (building information modelling), something which has proven increasingly attractive to the construction sector.  Dispatcher had the opportunity to present its […]

FFB meets Dispatcher at the Boucicaut incubator


FFB hears all about Dispatcher With innovation becoming a key development factor in industrial professions, the Prospective group, representing the French Building Federation (FFB), visited the Boucicaut incubator last Thursday to hear about the new digital tools for the construction sector. As such, they were keen to discover Dispatcher, the tool for optimising work site […]

Le Moniteur: the right machine, in the right place, at the right time.

photo article moniteur

Credit: Jacques Rolland, Le Moniteur. The right machine, in the right place, at the right time How can you optimise the use of your work site equipment? A scalable mobile application helps dispatchers. Accessible from tablets and smartphones, Dispatcher can provide savings of 10 to 15% on work site machine management. The ability to reduce […]