Simply manage your staff certifications.
Find your certifications, authorisations, and
other fixed-term documents on dedicated
screens on the platform.

View your staff certifications requiring imminent renewal at a glance.
The Dispatcher certification module allows you to create an unlimited number of accreditation categories (operator permits, first-aid qualifications, electrical authorisations, safety, etc.) within the platform. You can highlight them, manage training courses for permit renewals, and monitor this process to ensure compliance.
When a permit, accreditation, authorisation, training qualification, or medical certificate is about to expire, you can easily anticipate its renewal by receiving an alert and therefore following up with the individual staff member concerned. Store your files and supporting documents in each of your staff records.
All of this is done in a secure environment that meets the highest standards for managing staff files and information.
A clear process
✓ Don't miss any expiry date thanks to the alert system on the platform.
✓ Find all the documents attached to your resources to be up to date during any authorization check.
Formal follow-up
✓ Consolidate your personnel tracking by having an overview of their authorizations.
✓ Tracking all documents, certifications, clearances, authorizations, will save you valuable time.
Simple and collaborative
✓ View and store all your documents and supporting documents without limit from the platform.
✓ Terminate multiple files without visibility, share all information among users in one platform.
Customise your certifications without limitation.
Create and name different certification types, according to your current and future needs. On the platform, you will be able to fully customise certification types, and group them into folders.
Lists of specific skills for each employee, operator permits, authorisations, certificates, medical examinations, or any other official document… Everything can be entered here.
Keep a history of current, validated certifications and their renewal dates.

Never miss another renewal date.
By entering issue and expiry dates, you will be able to keep a close eye on your staff certifications and accreditations. The certification is orange for an imminent renewal period, and red when it has expired.
Before any field allocation, you will be able to check staff certifications and accreditations in order to assign the right person to the right place.
Do you need to assign specific training to a member of staff in the event of an addition or renewal? You can schedule an absence for training, visible directly in the Dispatcher planning tool .
Simple one-click consultation.
By clicking on a resource in the planning tool, its information appears and you will be notified of a certification in progress.
Each staff record will be populated with the important data you wish to display .
You have the option of conducting an internal search for staff availability based on their skills and certification.

Monitoring certifications : a major challenge
for the building sector.
The certification module is essential when managing resources in the field.
Building sites are changing, as are controls and technical specifications. The workforce assigned to sites must not only be qualified but must hold appropriate certifications and accreditations that closely meet the compulsory standards.
Official operator permits, particularly in the building sector, enable greater safety on construction sites, and are increasingly required.
Dispatcher allows you to track these permits and know when it is necessary to renew them.
Optimised HR
Reporting screens are available on the platform to facilitate secure monitoring and management.
✓ Quickly view all staff certifications.
✓ Quickly view the number of employees holding a particular certification or accreditation, in order to assign the right person to the right work site.
Other features to discover.
Planning software
Plan out your human and material resources with just a few clicks using a collaborative schedule.
The daily schedule
View the day-by-day schedule for your resources.
Absence management
Merge your operating schedules to track your resources more closely.