Corporate organisational tools such as Excel are omnipresent in business management. But managing your business via Excel has become risky, time-consuming and, above all, obsolete.
Why? Excel data remains purely informational, entered at time T, and provides no added value over the long term as it is difficult to use. In addition, mistakes can be made, and time and financial costs can be impacted by input errors.
By 2021, the centralisation of information, sharing, and communication were already crucial points, and have become essential levers for the successful development of a company and its competitiveness. In recent years, tools that are more effective than Excel have emerged for organising activities within companies.
However, many companies are still reluctant to use tools that enable rapid resource management, such as planning software. Planning and managing your resources (staff, professional equipment, teams) is the key to productivity and well-organised activity.
A tool such as Dispatcher saves valuable time and optimises allocated resources by organising the sequencing of projects.
A global view of all your actions.
Forget Excel tables and files with no global view: what you need is a planning tool that provides an overview of your company’s activity.
The goal? Avoid :
- Double bookings on the same day
- Allocating an unavailable resource
- Losses due to abundant use or, conversely, non-use of a resource
- Planning errors over a given period
There is never enough time in a day. The aim is to save time on tasks that can be completed quickly. Planning software will allow you to allocate resources in just a few clicks according to their availability, unavailability, skills, and scope, as well as the equipment required for the current day’s activity.
All the lines you need to enter in Excel: your planning solution will do this for you. By using planning software such as Dispatcher, you will gain speed of execution and booking. For example, filters are available to help you sort important information relevant to the user. Each staff member will have their own profile, schedule, and availability. Equipment can be leased directly from the platform and may also be declared unavailable in the event of shut-downs.
In addition, redundant double entries will be a thing of the past: all everyday causes of errors between departments and people arising from incorrect or outdated information will be entirely eliminated. Of course, this is only a tiny example of the many actions you can carry out via the online planning system.
Available and reliable real-time information.
Employees within your organisation will enjoy ease of communication since they will all be using the same intuitive tool. No more unreadable Excel files, specific to each individual. Your teams will be able to easily adjust, adapt, and configure their schedule.
Smooth communication will allow you to analyse your workload and identify quick and easy savings after just a few months of use.
Each sector has its own schedule.
The resource planning solution is relevant to every sector.
Your structure, organisation, and teams can undergo drastic changes very quickly. Taking the example of the Covid-19 health crisis, some organisations have deployed more resources and have rearranged their activities and budgets. This is where the use of multiple Excel files has its limits.
With a planning solution, you can avoid inconveniences:
- Create a new, fully customised interface
- Build and adapt your activity plan according to your needs and context
- Anticipate resources and procurement
- Communicate instantly thanks to the centralisation and sharing of information
- Use your interface and data anywhere and at any time
Resource planning and management software has become essential today: the time and cost savings are simply too great to miss.
According to a worldwide study conducted by the International Data Corporation (IDC), resource management and planning software is now one of the top three current investments (see: source).
🎬 Discover Charier’s change management and efficiency in the field thanks to our Dispatcher platform: Feedback.