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Cap Numérique forum – CAPEB Vendée

Cap Numérique forum – CAPEB Vendée

Forum cap numerique 2

On 25 April, the Dispatcher work site app was invited by CAPEB Vendée to participate in the Cap Numérique forum at La Roche sur Yon.

The meet-up for connected companies

At the initiative of the CAPEB Vendée sustainable development commission, the first Cap Numérique forum took place at Proxinnov’s premises in La Roche sur Yon. This event brought together construction professionals and experts as well as digital transition specialists.

Dispatcher was invited to come and present its innovative work site application. This trade show was an opportunity to meet construction professionals in Vendée seeking to digitise their activity.

Alain Leboeuf, President of Vendée Numérique and member of parliament for Vendée, and Nathalie Gosselin, Digital Assistant and Regional Councillor for La Roche sur Yon, attended in support of the forum. They each spoke about the importance of digital transition, for both large companies and smaller-scale professionals.

The Dispatcher team