On Friday 16 June, Dispatcher attended the VivaTechnology trade show held at Paris Expo Porte de Versailles. This was an opportunity to come and see tomorrow’s technologies and to present its own Cloud and mobile work site management tool. This year the show was a real success, bringing together some 68,000 people over three days.
VivaTech: let’s see how tomorrow will be made
For this 2017 edition, bringing together the main French and international companies involved in digital or wider technology, the Bouygues group invited Dispatcher to the event as a start-up partner. The innovative company therefore spent Friday at this stand, serving as a meeting point between construction professionals and stakeholders in the building industry’s digital transition.
Talk on digital work sites
As part of the activities offered during the day, Dispatcher was invited to pitch on the theme of “Digital work sites“, providing an opportunity for the company to discuss its digital-focused beliefs for a few minutes. Dispatcher took the opportunity to address all companies in the construction sector interested in optimising the management of their staff and site equipment. Today, there are still too many companies experiencing organisational failures or unpleasant last-minute surprises related to inaccurate information exchanges. Dispatcher is designed to solve these problems, so that companies can focus on their area of expertise without wasting time on administration.
Dispatcher press release,