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Dispatcher at the Bouygues Digital Transformation Day

Dispatcher at the Bouygues Digital Transformation Day

Friday 18 November – Bouygues Challenger site

On 18 November 2016, Dispatcher visited the Bouygues Construction’s Challenger site for the Digital Transformation Day.

The aim of this event being to inspire, experiment, explain, and discuss the digital achievements of the Bouygues group and others, Dispatcher gave a presentation as a Young Innovative Company.

During this one-day event, co-founders Maxime Guesné and Julien Fournier were therefore able to present their vision and
their tool as an essential asset for the work site of tomorrow.

In addition, seizing the opportunity to join the discussion, Dispatcher was given centre stage for a few minutes to present its innovative system and the benefits it provides, in front of a gathering of construction professionals keen to take inspiration from new concepts.

Dispatcher press release,
